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Nosara Daily Photo

Nosara Daily Photo: April 2013

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ride Giant

This past Saturday, I was in Playa Carillo, photographing the 12th La Soledad mountain bike race. While sitting around waiting for racers to finish, I came across this ironic scene. i wish there was some ghuman element to this photograph but it is still pretty nice to see.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

In The Water by Matt Vaughan

A gorgeous water shot from Matt. He said, "friday, I met with Alfredo & Luigi to get some water shots in south guiones. The waves werent the best but we were able to get a few decent shots. This is Alfredo midturn, trying to come as close as possible to me."

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cactus by Laura Florence Upton

Laura Florence Upton continues to bring us closer to the details of nature that most of us probably don't even recognize. I really enjoy how the subject of this photograph is isolated from its surroundings with a little play of light. Upton said, "I like to search in the jungle and see if I can find something interesting to photograph; something that no one would normally notice." Thanks Laura for this great vision!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Being a child

Although  we have already published this photograph at The Voice of Nosara website, I would like to bring it back to light.

It is one of my favorite pictures I made this time around. For me this photograph is associated with being free, being happy, being worry-free and light. Children are just awesome.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

More surf

Here is another shot from my first time of shooting surf. I personally quite enjoy seeing multiple surfers on one wave. Sharing is cool.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Vine by Laura Florence Upton

Here is a macro shot of a vine by Laura Florence Upton. I found it mesmerizingly beautiful. And you can get to read what she had to sya about it below. Enjoy this beauty! Enjoy this day!

There's a lot of wildlife in the jungle and many photographers only focus on the "big ticket" subjects like monkeys and butterflies, but one of my favourite things to photograph are the smaller subjects that usually go unnoticed. This photograph is a macro image of a simple vine that wasn't very interesting from afar, but by taking the time to find it's hidden beauty and creating an artistic composition, the vine is transformed into a very compelling subject.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sunday surf

Thanks to Matt Vaughan, i got to shoot some surf for the first time this past Sunday. It is quite different from the things and sports that i am used to shooting. But it was definitely fun.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Moto by Oriana Fowler

Here is the first contribution from Oriana Fowler. About her photo, she says, "a motorcycle and the beach at sunset -- both considered daily parts of Nosara life for many who live here."

Saturday, April 20, 2013

After the rain

So after season's first rain yesterday, it is like nature woke up from a deep sleep. A lot more animals are out. I hear more birds and bugs this morning. The breeze is at its sweetest. Water temperature is just great. Pretty much a state of perfection outside today.

I think these crabs are one of the most beautiful things in this area. I am glad I get to see many more of them again. If you know how shy they are, you would be as amazed as I was, when this cute little guy sat there and just posed for me and let me take his pictures. I mean look at these colors! They just leave me in awe and with great appreciation of life. Enjoy this beautiful day!

Friday, April 19, 2013

A little bit of sweetness

Here is a bit of sweetness brought to you by Smudys. Ut is a relatively new juice bar in town, located at Harbor Reef. Enjoy some fresh fruit sweetness y'all.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sushi time

Here is another food shot from the area. For living in the jubgle we have such a big selection of world cuisine here. This shot is from Kai Cafe & Sushi Nosara. They are located at Living Hotel and their presentation is beautiful along with their delicious rolls.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ballet Class

I photographed this ballet class about a month ago in Nicoya. Janine, young lady in the foreground, in pink, did really well in the Royal Academy exams. And that's what the story was about.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

An Interview with Oriana Fowler

Photo by Oriana Fowler

This week's interview with Oriana Fowler. A Hispanic-American, Oriana is from Chicago. She is the founder of, where she offers photography services for weddings, portraits, real estate, surf, and media for entrepreneurs.

What is the story behind this image?
At the end of a fashion shoot for a local clothing designer, I was playing around with the models and snapped this playful one of Jodie B., founder of The Yoga House in Nosara.  This "for fun" photo ended up being used in a series of print ads.  As the photographer, I see several elements of Nosara life in the making of this photo: beach time, yoga, entreprenuership, balancing work and play -- and its created by three woman (two in the photo, one behind the camera).  I consider this photo a goofy one that makes me smile.

How and when did you start photography?

  I started photography with my mom's Pentax SLR and a class at the local art center when I was in high school.   I became infatuated and even set up a dark room in a bathroom at home.  I took some courses in college, though I kept my studies a bit more broad, earning a BFA in Arts Management.

What is your favorite thing to photograph while here in Nosara?
Weddings.  I love to photograph weddings.   I enjoy seeing the different celebrations and the care that goes into creating that special day, and being trusted to see and translate the beauty of the day to still image.  I love to interact with my wedding clients and their guests, and I enjoy the flexibility the job requires of me -- one moment taking the lead and posing, the next moment blending in -- as well as the range of photographic skills necessary.  And of course, weddings in Nosara have the added beauty of the gorgeous natural backdrop of Costa Rica.  Inspiring!

And what brought you to Nosara in the first place when you first got here?
I first came to Nosara to help a higher end surf resort with surf photos, video, and social media marketing.  I still really enjoy photographing surfers (beginners and seasoned surfers) and sometimes do private sessions.  I recently photographed a group of surfers from North Carolina -- longboarders mostly -- and that was great.  But weddings and portraits is where my photography heart is -- at least for now!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

El Tope

I got to spend the whole day yesterday photographing the El Tope. Here is a sneak peak from that shoot.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

For the LUV of Vegan Burgers

For vegans around here, here is some good news for you. Fabrizio Pilato and Anita Zuzal opened LUV Burger fast food restaurant in Samara. While they are super nice and welcoming, their vegan food is super delicious and healthy. If you happened to be in Samara, I would highly suggest you to stop by and get some refresments.

For more information on their location, hours and menu, please read here.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Second round of fiestas In Nosara

So it turns out there is another round of fiestas in Nosarathis weekend, starting tonight. Here is a shot from the first fiestas of the year to get you in the mood for the weekend.

I made this shot while walking around and waiting for the bullride to start on the first night. I found these riders getting ready for the night as they were joking around with each other.

You can see  a detailed program of this weekens's fiestas here.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A sunset wedding

By now, it is no news that Nosara has vbecome one of the hot destination wedding spots in the world. Recently, I had the opportunity to assist Oriana Fowler at a sunset wedding at Blue Spirit Retreat. It was so fun to shoot it and the couple, Doug And Laurie seemed to have the time of their life on this special day. Here is one of my favorite shots from that day. This gentleman definitely soaked the fun in.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Old Milwaukee in Nosara

A lot of random things get my attention in life, such as a crushed Old Milwaukee can in Nosara town. I came across this gem when I was shooting the parade on Holy Friday. I am a big fan of beer. Back when I was in school in Missouri, I used to drink a lot of this guy. I think it is pretty decent for what it is. I figured I would share some of my nostalgia moment with y'all.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

An Interview with Laura Florence Upton

I continue to chat with other photographers in the area. This week, it was a pleasure to talk to Laura Florence Upton.  Canadian photographer said she has "been working  as a freelance photographer and artist (as well as holding down many other "real" jobs) since I graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts Photography in 1999. "

What is the story behind this picture you chose to share with us? How and when did you make it?

One of the things I really enjoy when photographing is utilising composition and angles to give an artistic quality to my photographs. This image was taken in Australia and I was actually photographing a pair of sleeping koalas high in the canopy when this butterfly stopped to rest in front of me. It was only still for a few seconds, but after some quick adjustments to my camera, I managed to capture that fleeting moment in time. This is one of my favourite images because of it's simplicity - I love how the shallow depth of field, dappled light and compositional lines create a visual path towards the subject.

How and when did you start photography?

My interest in photography started 20 years ago during high school when, at a yearbook staff training course, I was shown how to develop film and print in the darkroom. I was absolutely in love with the magic that happened inside the darkroom and immediately went out and bought my first manual SLR 35mm film camera and ended up studying photography at university.

How would you describe your relationship with photograhy at this point in your life?

Photography has meant a lot of different things throughout my life because photography itself has changed so much since I bought my first camera back in 1993. My early love for photography was due to the suspense of developing film and the magic of the darkroom. For years I preferred to use traditional processes and stayed away from automatic cameras and printing labs. When digital cameras were first introduced, I was extremely hesitant about "going digital" because it meant abandoning the techniques needed for film and darkroom - it felt like cheating. It took a few years to come around to the idea of using a camera that had the option of automatic exposure, automatic focus, a build-in light meter, build-in flash, LCD screen, and no film to develop, but once I bought my first professional digital SLR my love affair with the darkroom ended and a new one began. Now I enjoy the freedom of being able to experiment without worrying about "wasting" film or making mistakes. Each film exposure used to be so precious and pain-stakingly calculated to ensure the perfect image and now I can snap away without any cost or stresses about a poor exposure choice. More than anything else, photography has now become a way to document how I see the world. And I suppose in a way my work has turned into a sort of archive of my experiences.

What keeps you going in terms of shooting?

I'm probably like most artists, I have days/weeks/months where I'm frustrated with my creativity and focus on other things, like paying the bills, but here in Costa Rica, all I need is to go for a walk with my camera to get me excited about photography again. I see the world more clearly through the viewfinder. I know that sounds silly, but when I'm holding my camera, I make an effort to really see what I'm looking at. It's so easy just to walk past an exotic plant and think, "cool, neat plant", but if I'm looking though the lens I always see so much more - the light, the angles, the textures, the different compositions I can make - it's so much more fulfilling. I really enjoy taking a fairly average subject and composing the image in such a way that it becomes a piece of art. Quite often I'll be knee-deep in mud with my camera pointed up at a mass of twigs and leaves photographing an intricate composition that the colours and light have created. Everyone around me always looks confused and doesn't see what it is that I'm photographing. It's something that no one else takes the time to see and that's why it's special to me.

What is your favorite thing to photograph while here in Nosara?

I really enjoy photographing nature and wildlife. Whether it's animals, twisty bits of vine, or macro shots of insects, there's so much life here in Costa Rica and limitless creative options.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Surf by Matt Vaughan

Here is another shot by  Matt Vaughan. He talks about the photo below.

A couple weeks ago I got invited on a boat trip with some good friends that I've met while living in Nosara. They are all from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This shot here is of Andrew Jacob, an artist, who has orchestrated many art shows in Nosara. The photo is from the first sequence I shot that morning, which happened to be one of the best waves of the day.'

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dust, Part of Nosara Life

I shot this photo at the section between five crosses(right around Pelada turn) and the Nosara Gas Station. In the afternoon, there is always a small time slot where the sun shines through the branhes and creates a beautiful haze through dust. Although it is hard to breath through, it is really mermerizing to watch the dust particles move around in the air. I guess there really is beauty in everything in and everyone. It is just a matter of whether you see it or not.


Recently, I did a shoot with bunch of shells i collected at the beach for a possible cover idea. We ended up going for something else. Here is one outtake.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Little Lady at the Catholic Church

I saw this little lady at the Nosara Catholic Church during a service for Easter Saturday night. She was there with her young mother, playing with her candle as her mother particpated in the prayers. She had the most elaborate hair braids I have seen.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Iguana by Matt Vaughan

When I started this blog, I wanted to bring more voices by featuring other local photographers and interviewing them. Recently,  I had the pleasure to chat with Matt Vaughan of North Carolina, who has been photographing surf, nature and weddings in Nosara for three seasons so far. Below, take a look at his story as a photographer.  The 27 year-old photographer works with Nosara Shack. And you can see more of his work here.

What is the story behind this photo?
It (the iguana) was chilling. It was huge. It was eating. I collected all my compost in the kitchen. I had all this papaya in there. I just started throwing at him.  It was eating them like crazy. So I just started snapping photos while he was eating the papaya.
I am always interested in hearing what brings people to Nosara. So what is your story?

I was on a surf trip. In 2010, I was in Punterenas. I was there for two weeks around Christmas time. And I was talking to all the local gringos, ex patriots about how they lived here. Like how they got here and what they can do for work, what I could come down and do for work. I met this one guy, named Bob on my last day of surfing. He said something to me like. He asked me what I liked doing. We were surfing earlier. I had to leave  to go to the airport at like 9 o’clock.
He asked me like ‘what do you like doing in the States? What do you do for fun?’ Well so I said  ‘I do photography. I love photography. I am in college right now.’ He said man you never know. Next year you might be here shooting pro surfers or something.
So I went home Christmas day. There was like a local website. They had a forum where you could go on and discuss tons of things. There was an ad on there for a surf photographer wanted in Costa Rica. I e-mailed the person who sent me the forum. This is like the day or a day after I got back from my surf trip.
He emailed me back tat night. I just asked him some basic questions. I told him I had a girlfriend and she would be coming down with me.  My girlfriend had just started her final semester of college when we got back. So I threw it out real quick and asked her if maybe she would be down to move to Costa Rica, so that I do photography.  She kinda blew it off. 
It ended up being Graham (Swindell). Graham was the guy who I was talking to. So I kept emailing him. So finally we decided to talk to our parents and her boss. And they were like yeah go for it. So we sold all our stuff, subleased our apartment. She quit college. I think we got back to the States from the surf trip on Christmas day. And we ended up moving here to Nosara on Valentine’s Day. So it’s like two months we had sold all our stuff and kinda just made the transition. Came down here. Had never been here before and jumped right into doing surf photography. We ended up going back after our first season. She finished college and we came back here. 

How did you start photography? 

Actually my uncle gave me a camera when I was 11. It was a canon actually. It was a really sleek camera. I used to get rolls of film from wal-mart. And I would take pictures of anything. I lived on a canal in North Caroline. We had a little dock. I was always fascinated with sunsets and clouds. So I took pictures of that. And I would give my mom four rolls of film. She would take them to wal-mart and get them developed.   

Then I took my first photography class in high school. That was 2001. After that I graduated college with architectural technology degree. That was when the economy in the States went flat and everyone stopped going. Well I was like I could go back to school for photography. So I did that. I was in my studio class when we lived for Costa Rica.
I didn't know how it was gonna work. My original plan was coming here for like three months. If we do it we will just go for three months. We might not like it but at least we can say that we did it.  So we came down here and fell in love with. And we are still here.
How would you describe your relationship to photography? What does it mean to you?
Me as a person, in life, I never wanna be working a 9 to 5 job. So not only  I enjoy doing the photography but it also allows me to live a certain life style at the same time.  That’s really important to have a lot more freedom. Like for my job as a photographer, I can go surf whenever I want unless I have an appointment. I can kind of work my jobs around my life style more so than my life around my job, which is super important for me.
I do surf photography as a job but I am also doing all these photos I could show them to my kids maybe like 20 years later.  I can be like I was able to do these. Just building up memories.
What is your favorite subject matter to photograph while you are here in Nosara?
I wouldn't say it is surfing. Because sometimes when it is pumping I wanna be out there. But if there is a really great surfer out there, I love to get some really great surf photos, you know. But probably nature, honestly. My first season down here I got some good monkey photos.  Even since then, there is just so much here that you can document.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bomberos de Nosara

This past saturday I got to hang out  with the Bomberos de Nosara, the volunteer firefighters of the town. This is an outtake from that day. Jo Pinherio, the first captain of the group gets ready for his vertical training.

I really appreciate what these guys do. It is not just any volunteer activity. they are volunteering to be the firefighters of a town that doesn't have its own fire department, meaning they basically drop everything out any time they get an emergency call to help  people. These guys pretty much put public safety before thier own personal lives. I dont't know if I could do that. Thanks guys!