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An Interview with Oriana Fowler

Nosara Daily Photo: An Interview with Oriana Fowler

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

An Interview with Oriana Fowler

Photo by Oriana Fowler

This week's interview with Oriana Fowler. A Hispanic-American, Oriana is from Chicago. She is the founder of, where she offers photography services for weddings, portraits, real estate, surf, and media for entrepreneurs.

What is the story behind this image?
At the end of a fashion shoot for a local clothing designer, I was playing around with the models and snapped this playful one of Jodie B., founder of The Yoga House in Nosara.  This "for fun" photo ended up being used in a series of print ads.  As the photographer, I see several elements of Nosara life in the making of this photo: beach time, yoga, entreprenuership, balancing work and play -- and its created by three woman (two in the photo, one behind the camera).  I consider this photo a goofy one that makes me smile.

How and when did you start photography?

  I started photography with my mom's Pentax SLR and a class at the local art center when I was in high school.   I became infatuated and even set up a dark room in a bathroom at home.  I took some courses in college, though I kept my studies a bit more broad, earning a BFA in Arts Management.

What is your favorite thing to photograph while here in Nosara?
Weddings.  I love to photograph weddings.   I enjoy seeing the different celebrations and the care that goes into creating that special day, and being trusted to see and translate the beauty of the day to still image.  I love to interact with my wedding clients and their guests, and I enjoy the flexibility the job requires of me -- one moment taking the lead and posing, the next moment blending in -- as well as the range of photographic skills necessary.  And of course, weddings in Nosara have the added beauty of the gorgeous natural backdrop of Costa Rica.  Inspiring!

And what brought you to Nosara in the first place when you first got here?
I first came to Nosara to help a higher end surf resort with surf photos, video, and social media marketing.  I still really enjoy photographing surfers (beginners and seasoned surfers) and sometimes do private sessions.  I recently photographed a group of surfers from North Carolina -- longboarders mostly -- and that was great.  But weddings and portraits is where my photography heart is -- at least for now!


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