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Nosara Daily Photo

Nosara Daily Photo: May 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A beach stroll

During one of the recent beach trips, I went for a stroll and came back back with these mangos. It turns out that there was a hidden beach next to the one we were at. It was kind of a small fisherman territory with several mango trees. They tasted so much better than the store bought ones.

Friday, May 10, 2013


These "goonies" have been popping up here and there recently. I had no idea what it meant but according to the world of internet goon means;
  1. A silly, foolish, or eccentric person.
  2. A bully or thug, esp. one hired to terrorize or do away with opposition.
Considering the social dynamics of this town, it makes me wonder who is behind these little notes sprayed on road signs and beach entrance. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A natural arch

Cruising around is always good. Whether on assignment or just for the hell of it. I get to see and experience lots of unexpected things. I came across this cool tree a few days ago. It is pretty cool that it naturally curved over the road and made itself to be a natural arch.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A slice of life

Yesterday, while I was chasing after some photos for an assignment, I ran into this loevly family in Santa Teresita community. Mother and the son were just sitting in the river and chilling with the two of their dogs. They have six dogs. I asked her why they had so many. She said it makes them feel safer. Good point!

It was just nice to see them out there, engaged with the nature like this.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Road to a sunset

I got to spend cinco de mayo with some friends at Carillo Beach. On our way back, we had the opportunity to witness this epic sunset, hiding behind a dust cloud. It was a good day.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Allegria Music School

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Majesty in nature

When I first came across this scene, my immediate reaction was about how sad the horse looked. He is really skinny, hanging out behind barbed wires right by a busy road. After I took a moment there to watch him, I noticed how gorgeous he was actually.

This is the last frame of the take. And I made it under the mid-day harsh light.(Not the best time to be making pictures) Fortunatley, the clouds worked to my advantage and  in a minute or two, this majestic moment happened before my camera. This specific experience reminded me the strong ties between patience and appreciation.

Life is good. Life is beautiful. It is just a matter of time and putting things in perspective. Enjoy this beautiful day, y'all!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Wandering around Nicoya yesterday,  I ran into her. If you know me a little bit, you  know how I am into Guadalupe. She is my favorite character in Catholism. Whenever I see a depiction of her, I try to make a picture of it. This house was located right in front of Nicoya cemetery. She was almost shining upon the ones who left us and now residing at the cemetery.

Frankly, this is one of the weaker depictions of her I have seen so far. But I loved the bright pink color around it. Just made her stand out more I think. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tia Luna

This is a shot i made about a month ago at the opening night of restaurant Tia Luna. It is located right across from the airport in Nosara town. Their experienced cook makes amazing dishes. My favorite so far is their whole fried fish. Absolutely amazing! And the coc flan. I can probbaly eat that stuff everyday no problem. Y'all should stop by when you are in town and give this new place a try.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The sun

As a photograher, I am not very into abstract imagery. But  in Carillo, while I was taking a breather, I looked up and saw this blissfull image. I felt blessed to be there to soak the sun in and enjoy the incredible view I was seeing. Nature really is bliss.